Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Well K has made some progress in the potty arena. Few weeks ago, she finally peed in the potty! She's gone a few times since then but is still very strigent in going in her training pants. She has since informed me that when she turns 5 she will wear underwear. I also started her in therapy last week. I really like this Dr. and hope that she can help us get through to K and her control issues and help her "loosen" up a bit on life. I do have to say K has been improving socially in the past few months. She's gone up to kids at the playground that she's never seen before and having an almost converstation with them and playing with them. She also played with some friend of mines children for the first time in like 2 years. We go over to her house for LLL meetings like at least once a month and see them at other times and she never conversed with them until the other week. Both me and my friend were both shocked at this development.

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